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Website Policies
This is the official website of ICAR-National Research Institute for Integrated Pest Management (ICAR-NRIIPM), designed, developed, maintained and hosted by ICAR-NRIIPM, New Delhi.
The site has been developed to provide information to the general public. An attempt has been made through this site to provide reliable, comprehensive, accurate information about ICAR-NRIIPM and its various Sections. Hyperlinks at various places have been provided to other Indian Government Portals/Websites.
The content in this site is the result of a collaborative effort of various Sections of the institute. It is our endeavour to continue the enhancement and enrichment of this site in terms of content coverage, design and technology on a regular basis.
ICAR-NRIIPM Websites is monitored periodically in accordance with the plan to address and fix the quality and compatibility issues. We monitor the performances, functionalities, broken links feedbacks etc. and take proper actions.

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