NRIIPM regularly conducts training programmes, refresher courses and workshops for the benefit of master trainers
from ICAR institutes, State Agricultural Universities, Krishi Vigyan Kendra personnel, State Agricultural Departments, Industry and NGO's in IPM and related areas.
The focus is on imparting training and educating about latest developments in the field of IPM. The topics covered are usage of genetic components, cultural practices,
bio-pesticides, biotechnology, mass production of bio-control agents, safer pesticides, pesticide residues, weed management, information technology and management of natural resources.
The programmes are usually of 5-10 days duration and include lectures by eminent IPM workers from NRIIPM as well from other
institutes and IPM field visits followed by hands-on training on mass production of bio-control agents.
Trainings imparted to KVK personnel
Human Resource Development (HRD) Cell
Dr. Mukesh Sehgal, Pr. Scientist (Nematology) and I/C, HRD Cell
For further information, please contact:
E-mail: hrd[dot]ncipm[at]icar[dot]gov[dot]in