Establishment of a national network for development of area specific IPM modules and technologies for the major production systems of different agro-ecological zones
Validation and Promotion of IPM in Context of Natural farming
Management of nematode problem in Guava and other crops
Refinement, validation and popularization of IPM in direct seeded rice
Validation, refinement and promotion of IPM in Rice based cropping system for export oriented basmati rice production.
Development, validation and promotion of IPM strategy in maize with special focus on fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda)
Validation, refinement and promotion of IPM strategy in maize
Validation and promotion of cotton IPM with major emphasis on Pink Bollworm
Synthesis, validation and promotion of pest management strategy in Bt cotton for central zone
Validation, refinement and promotion of IPM in cotton in North Zone of India
Synthesis, validation and wide area dissemination of IPM technology in chilli
Area-wide implementation of adaptable & deliverable IPM technology for fruit fly in cucurbitaceous vegetable crops funded by Haryana Government
Validation and dissemination of IPM strategies for Kinnow
Synthesis, validation and promotion of IPM in tomato in different agro ecological regions
Development, validation and dissemination of IPM techniques for major insect pests and diseases of mango
Validation and promotion of Bio-intensive IPM under protected cultivation
Development, validation and promotion of location specific IPM techologies in cole crops
Development, validation and promotion of IPM strategies for pulse crops in different agro-ecological regions for Chickpea, Pigeonpea, Green gram, Black gram and Field pea
Refinement, revalidation and large-scale implementation of IPM tactics in Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L.)
Development, refinement and area-wide implementation of IPM technology for groundnut crop
Standardization of prototypes of IPM tools and techniques
National Agricultural Innovation Fund project-2
FaT/bag T: a novel Trichoderma formulation for effective biological control
Development of databases on major pests and electronic networking
National Pest Surveillance System (NPSS)
Crop Pest Surveillance and Advisory Project (CROPSAP) - Maharashtra
Horticulture Crop Pest Surveillance and Advisory Project (HORTSAP)-Maharashtra
ICT based Surveillance and Advisory Services for selected Horticultural Crops in Haryana
Artificial Intelligence based Mobile App for Identification of Key Pests of Brinjal and Okra and their Management
Development of Mobile App for AI based Identification, Surveillance and Management of Key Pests of Maize
Development of a need based e-information package for management and awareness of IPM implementation in cabbage for Bulandshahr district of UP
Impact of access and usage of Information & communication technology in IPM with reference to North-Eastern India
Development of models for forewarning and forecasting of pest of National importance.
Generation of hyperspectral signatures of major crop pests from field to landscape scale for their surveillance and forewarning (SAC-ISRO)
Characterization of Remote Sensing based Hyperspectral signatures for monitoring of insect pests and diseases of major crops
Development of forecasting model for early blight and whitefly infestation in tomato in northernplaces of India
Programme IV:
Socio-economic issues and impact analysis of IPM technology.
Phosphine efficacy against insect pests and effect on quality of perishable commodities under storage conditions
Programme V:
Human Resource Development(HRD), TSP and NEH programmes