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Pest Forecasting

Pest dynamics in relation to climate change

  • ICT based Real Time Pest Dynamic (RTPD) studies for four crops across 24 locations viz., rice (7), pigeonpea (6), groundnut (5) and tomato (6)) from 12 agro ecological regions of 10 agro-climatic zones amongst 11 States were implemented till 2016 since 2011 with continuation of eight locations till 2022

  • Multi location-multi season database on climate and pest scenario developed for 24 locations, twenty-three and fifteen in respect of kharif and rabi, respectively.

  • Trends of climatic variability for annual and seasonal periods with their magnitude quantified for recent periods (2011-16) for 24 locations deciphering climate change to be a happening phenomenon at all locations.

  • Field level impact of climatic variability was worked out for gall midge, blackbug and parasitoid Tetrastichus on yellow stem borer at Aduthurai (TN), caseworm at Mandya (KA), stem borers at Ludhiana (PB) and panicle mite and false smut at Raipur (CG) on rice.

  • Co-existence among rice insects is largely space neutral even with significant differential climatic variability across locations among seasons indicating the adaptation of insects in their respective environment to changing climate.

  • In pigeonpea, rainfall variability influencing jassids and Phytophthora at Kalaburgi (KA), emerging pest of pod wasp at Vamban (TN), decreasing Fusarium wilt at Warangal (TS) and sterility mosaic at S.K. Nagar (GJ) were brought out.

  • Increasing maximum temperature and decreasing/fluctuating minimum temperature resulting in increased thrips infestation on groundnut was established through comparative studies across Dharwad (KA), Jalgaon (MH), Kadiri (AP), Vridhachalam (TN), and Junagadh (GJ).

  • Developed and validated weather indices based algorithm for target leaf spot of tomato at Kalyani (WB).

  • Projections of status of rice insect pests for future climate change periods for seven locations, jassids and thrips on groundnut at Kadiri (AP), Helicoverpa armigera for Vamban (TN) were made using representative concentration pathways (RCP)

  • Forecast models developed and validated for insects pests and diseases during kharif for Rice (14 nos); Pigeonpea (11 nos); Groundnut (10 nos) and tomato (15 nos) in respect of seven, six, five and seven locations and during rabi for Groundnut (19 nos)

Forewarning of major crop pests on spatial scale for their integrated management

  • Developed and validated forewarning models for predicting crop age at first appearance of mustard aphid at Bharatpur and Hisar at block level with operationalisation of web-based system through vedas geo portal. ( jassids and thrips infestations of cotton at Abohar- Fazilka and Jalna were collected.

  • Hyper spectral data for yellow stem borer for rice at Cuttack, aphids on mustard at Bharatpur, leaf curl virus, jassids and thrips infestations of cotton at Abohar- Fazilka and Jalna were collected.

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