Agricultural Knowledge Management Unit (AKMU)
Institute had established an Agricultural Research Information System
(ARIS) cell which was later rechristened as Agricultural Knowledge Management Unit (AKMU). AKMU
is equipped with latest hardware and softwares required to cater to the needs of the center
and its staff and is fully functional. It has two servers working as web server and database server;
network security systems such as Intrusion Prevention System (IPS),
Unified Threat Management (UTM) and anti-virus system; 100 mbps
dedicated NKN internet connectivity; latest printers and scanners. AKMU works as
information base for the Centre and also provides information management and exchange
facilities to institute staff for effective and efficient research. The major functions
of AKMU are:
Development of Database and information systems on IPM
Dissemination and sharing of IPM knowledge and information
Facilitation of e-connectivity with ICAR and other agricultural research institutes
NCIPM Library
The library of the centre has more than 2500 books, encyclopedia and manuals, covering various aspects
of agriculture including IPM, computer applications, economics, statistics and chemistry. NCIPM regularly
subscribes to several journals on plant protection, annual reviews and abstracts, thus enriching the literature
facility regularly. Koha, an online library had been implemented
All the available books, encyclopedia, manuals, national and international journals have been digitized.
Microbial Laboratory
NCIPM has a diagnostic microbial laboratory and a repository of more than eighty insect pathogens and antagonists.
Nucleus cultures of bioagents are supplied for field testing purposes across the nation. Trainings on mass production technology
of bioagents and quality control of biopesticides to prospective entrepreneurs are taken up from time to time.
Priority setting, Monitoring and Evaluation (PME) cell
Priority setting, Monitoring and Evaluation (PME) cell maintains records of all the research
projects and programmes of the Centre. Submission of six-monthly targets and achievements of the
scientists (HYPM) of the Centre to the Council are the other activities of the PME cell. Submission
of monthly, quarterly and half yearly cabinet progress reports, material for DARE report of the scientists to the Council and processing
the proposal for trainings/ seminars/symposia/conferences are also carried out through PME Cell.