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Dr. SUMITRA ARORA Dr Sumitra Arora

Ph.D. (Ag. Chemicals)

Principal Scientist (Ag. Chemicals)

Email: sumitra[dot]arora[at]icar[dot]gov[dot]in; sumitraarora[at]hotmail[dot]com

Telephone: 011-20907410

Research papers


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Top 10 Research Papers:
  • Sumitra Arora and Anu Kumar. (2021). Mixture toxicity assessment of selected pesticides to silver perch fingerling, Bidynamus bidynamus. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 226: 112790.
  • Sumitra Arora and C. Srivastava (2021). Locational dynamics of concentration and efficacy of phosphine against Pulse Beetle, Callosobruchus maculatus Fab. Crop Protection. Volume 143, May 2021, 105475.
  • Sumitra Arora, J. Stanley and C. Srivastava (2021). Temporal dynamics of phosphine fumigation against insect pests in wheat storage. Crop Protection, Volume 144, June 2021, 105602.
  • Sumitra Arora, Mukesh Sehgal, DS Srivastava, Sanjay Arora and Susheel Kumar Sarkar. (2019). Reduced Risk Pest Management Programs for a Northern India District under Rice Cropping System. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. Volume 191 (4): 241.
  • Sanjay Arora, Sumitra Arora, Divya Sahni, Mukesh Sehgal, DS Srivastava and Anand Singh. (2019). Pesticides Use and its Effect on Soil Microbial populations, Microbial Biomass Carbon and Enzyme activity. Current Science. Vol. 116 (4): 643-649.
  • Sumitra Arora, Sahil Balotra, Gunjan Pandey and Anu Kumar. (2017). Binary combinations of organophosphorus and synthetic pyrethroids are more potent acetylcholinesterase inhibitors than organophosphorus and carbamate mixtures: an in vitro assessment. Toxicology Letters. 268: 8–16.
  • Sumitra Arora, Navin Mogha, Tulsi Bhardwaj, Vikrant Sahu, SC Dubey. (2015). A biorational approach for management of key plant pathogens. Ind. J. Agric. Sci. 85 (6): 759–63, June 2015/Article.
  • Sumitra Arora, Irani Mukherji, Aman Kumar and DK Garg. (2014). Comparative estimation of pesticide residues in grain, soil and water from IPM and non-IPM trials of Basmati rice. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 186 (1): 361-366.
  • Sumitra Arora, Irani Mukherji, Aman Kumar and RK Tanwar. (2014). Pesticide residue analysis of soil, water and grain of IPM Basmati rice. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 186 (12):8765–8772.
  • Sumitra Arora, Ashok K. Kanojia, Ashok Kumar, Vikrant Sahu and Navin Mogha. (2012). Bio-pesticide Formulation to control Tomato lepidopteran pest menace. Current Science. 102 (7): 1051-57, 10 April 2012.
  • Best poster award (2019) on “Ideal fumigation practices for managing storage insect pests” at ICC one-day Seminar on “Using Phosphine as QPS Fumigant under WTO-SPS Agreement & Minimizing the use of Methyl Bromide under the Montreal Protocol” held on 6th June, 2019, at New Delhi.
  • Endeavour Post-Doctoral Award Fellowship - 2010, Department of Education, Employment and workplace Relations, Australian Government
  • 'Outstanding contribution in ITK field', ICAR-NRIIPM, N. Delhi
  • Focal point scientistfor SAARC member states, 2011-2014 to represent country for pesticide information network (SPINet)
  • Fellow Mobilization, “Society of Community Mobilization for Sustainable Development”, IARI, New Delhi
  • Organized a National seminar on ‘Contextual Relevance of ITKs in plant protection’ during 2015 in New Delhi
  • Co-Organized 8th National Seminar on ‘Potential, Prospects and Strategies for Doubling Farmers’ Income: Multi-stakeholder Convergence’ during 2017 in Guwahati
  • Nominated to conduct training programs on “Safe use and classification of pesticides” in 2011 at University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka and in 2015 in Maldives
  • Associate Member of International project on ‘Maintaining and Ensuring the Pesticides Properties Database (PPDB)’
  • ARYA BHATT SAMMAN -2006, Vigyan Bharati for “Indigenous magical tonic to build resistance in vegetables against pests and diseases”
  • Society of Pesticide Sciences
  • Society of Plant Protection Sciences
  • Society of Bioved
  • Society for Community Mobilization for Sustainable Development
  • New Age Mobilization Society
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