National Research Institute for Integrated Pest management (NRIIPM) is a premier research institute of Indian Council of Agriculture Research (ICAR).
The Institute was established in February 12, 1988 to develop and promote Integrated Pest Management (IPM) technologies for major crops with minimum
ecological implications; generate national database on all aspects of pest management, advice national priorities and pest management policies;
establish linkages with national and international institutes in the area of IPM and to extend technical consultancies.
It was visualized as an Institute to provide an interface between research, development and application of IPM technologies.
Centre made modest beginning in 1995-1996 through synthesis and validation of IPM modules for cotton, rice, chickpea and mustard.
The success story of IPM in cotton during 1996-1998 in Maharashtra was exemplary and provided a model for development of similar modules
for other crops and regions. The Institute has successfully elevated IPM paradigm from individual farm to area-wide pest management across the
crops and regions through networks of partnerships and collaborations. Effective integration of electronic networking through development of
customized softwares, supporting infrastructure and human resource development has made pest management very effective at regional level.
NRIIPM envisages larger role in making IPM practices more effective across the country through higher levels of integration of multidisciplinary
technologies and of stakeholders by means of improved research, education, training and extension
for an enhanced crop and ecological health, and sustainable agricultural growth.
The National Research Institute for Integrated Pest Management is at Rajpur Khurd, Mehrauli, New Delhi at 28.38°N and 77.10°E. in South West district of Delhi, about 22 km west of Krishi Bhawan,
the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), and about 14 km north-east of Indira Gandhi International Airport, New Delhi